Sunday, April 18, 2010


I started doing some work-outs last summer before I went to school. Because I entered school last semester I refrained from it. There were times that I've spent just a day or once a week and I felt that it wasn't enough. I don't want to be like those people who earned great results of working out for years - huge muscles. I just want to keep my body moving because most of the time I am just sitting in front of a computer and just let my hands, eyes and brain do the work. I know that there is more my body could do. Actually, I gained much courage when I read the "Top 10" benefits of working out. 
Top 10 Benefits - Main Article

1. Reduces the risk of many diseases
2. Reduces stress, depression and anxiety
3. Improves sexual performance and restores libido
4. Increases energy and endurance
5. Improves confidence
6. Improves mental acuity
7. Strengthens and boosts your immune system
8. Builds and maintains healthy muscles, bones & joints
9. Slows the aging process & reduces the risk of premature death
10. Helps you sleep better
Supplement I took before...
Moriamin - combined preparation of amino acids and multivitamins which contains 8 basic amino acids and 11 vitamins in well balanced proportion. Amino acids are required for bond of proteins of blood and tissues, for moving of already existing amino acids, restoration of the blasted tissues and formation of new proteins. Moriamin consists of the cleared crystalline mono-amino acids which quantities are precisely calculated and prepared in the form of 7 kinds of granules of various colours for achievement of fastness of each structure.
Supplemental Facts - Click Here 

I can see some developments of my muscles and I know that the Moriamin Forte is responsible of it. But mostly, people said it better take Amino 6000 for better results. So i got this: 
Promotes Muscle Strength, Protein Assimilation And Muscle Recovery!
Amino acids are the basic building blocks of protein. People who exercise may require greater amounts of protein and amino acids than sedentary people. Amino 6000 capsules are packed with a concentrated source of Branched Chain Amino acids (L-leucine, L-isoleucine, L-valine) and L-form Amino acids which promote muscle strength, protein assimilation and muscle recovery. Each serving contains 6000mg of high-quality potassium caseinate providing essential and non-essential amino acids in easy to digest capsules. 
 Supplemental Facts - Click Here
 I just want to live physically fit and healthy.  That's the only reason why I spend 2 hours of doing some exercise.

Thoughts about Covid-19

It has been a decade already since my last post and I miss posting some thoughts so much. A lot of things had happened since 2011 until I gr...