Sunday, January 14, 2007


We had a lot of contacts on the mountain areas. For almost ten years, there are people who spend their time, money, effort etc. to be with those people so that they will be informed that there is something more important in their lives, the Word of God. One family got interested and they study with us and got saved. Salvation is one of the goals in teaching the lessons. Right now, they quitted, but God is still working in their lives. We really don't know how but we know He will. We still have outreaches out there. The adults are gone and sometimes we started to to think of the time and effort spent for their lives, it hurts but we never lose hope. There are little children out there who are interested to heard the Word and we were teaching them according to their levels of understanding.

Last first week of January we visited those people. It was Saturday. It was a rainy day and it is really hard to walk up if there is rain, we need to take off our slipper. One of our contacts is living far away from the road, so we need to walk again, it is really challenging. (It is not hard for me though because I have that kind of living.) We met them. They wanted to meet us too. We saw their happy faces. We sung songs of joy and get acquinted. It was the first time and mostly they are shy but they will learn to talk like brothers and sisters on the next years.

To God be the Glory!

Thoughts about Covid-19

It has been a decade already since my last post and I miss posting some thoughts so much. A lot of things had happened since 2011 until I gr...