So, go back about school...
I hate the Math subject still, but I started to overcome the pessimist character. I believe that I can do it, it just a matter of time. I used to blame that I don't have enough time for studying, which is true because, still, I have work during the day and school at night. There were some lessons in Math on high school that is still related to our present lessons today and I haven't learn if from high school. This is one of the reason that I can't absorb the lessons easily. In fact, I got low grades last mid term exam but I passed. Sometimes I have thought about quitting school and get a job somewhere but I need to finish at least 2 years in college. So, if I want to get a good job, I may get that next year. These are the options in my mind:
1. quit school and get a job
2. continue school and just wait another year
3. go to Manila and stay at my uncle, probably continue my studies
I really don't know yet but as of now I am doing the 2nd option. The contract of lease of the company where I am working will end this March 2010. Sell everything or transfer to other place are the options. This could affect my schooling because my financial support is dependent on the company. I hope I'll be at the company still until I finish my 2nd year in college. Well, time will change, ideas and thoughts of the people change. I could just used the living for today and minimize the long list for the future.
Just for today.