Monday, August 13, 2007


I think it's two months already since I've posted my last post. Some of my time was spent to myLot... (an online community forum). I am enjoying my stay their... meeting different people from different place with different culture... the way they live. I have mentioned on my previous post that I am studying the basic computer troubleshooting... I am focusing to it right now.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


For almost two months I wasn't able to be here... posting updates on my blog. Well, here I am again. I just can't think for a topic be posted in here.

Here's the highlight of my life for almost months.

On April 10, I started my school, it's a short term (just 6 months, 3 months training and 3 months OJT). I have met some other people out there. I talked some of them, just knowing each other... we're talking about plan in the future... and a lot more about life. Our class starts at 8 o'clock and I often came late. You know, I work from 4pm to 12 midnight, then wake up at 6:30, + travel and traffic. We're agreed that whoever comes late, he should sing, dance or push up... as a punishment. One time I came late... I chose to sing, I really don't like dancing at all and I don't like pushing up... I am really tired at my work plus that one. When I am about to sing, they're trying to suggest what they want me to sing. I still believe the fact that I am different from them. I am not like them... so, I sung the "enough" by Chris Tomlin. They heard something different and that helped them to think that I am different.

During my stay in school... I've learned something BUT I really don't like the way our Instructor treated us. I believe that the responsibility of teachers is to teach their students willingly. We felt that our Instructor is not willing to teach us. When you ask question to him he just answer you this phrase "go research and learn by yourself". I wonder if he is a teacher or not. I'd not say that he is bad enough, you know, we can never be perfect. We only want knowledge, and that's the only reason we've spent our time at that school. Any we're learning by ourselves! :)

We had our graduation last June 14. I felt happy, it's an accomplishment. I am planning to take another course, computer-related still, programming perhaps.

This is all about my school.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


I really miss posting new topics here.

I have having fun participating discussion on the internet. A lot of different topics...

I believe this would help me on how to deal different situations.

Monday, March 12, 2007


This teaching is taken from Xenos.Org

Show love and respect for Christians outside your own church. This is not to imply that we need not show love and respect for non-Christians! It is to say that non-Christians need to also see a special kinship between Christians at work, etc.

We may have important differences with other true Christians over doctrine, how we do church, etc.--differences big enough that we are probably better off being committed to different churches. But we need to remember that what we have in common far outweighs our differences. I worry that many Xenos people do not do this enough. It's great to feel excited about your church, but don't become arrogant and view other Christians and Christian churches as enemies! Not only is this arrogant and cultic--it is also ugly for non-Christians to see.

Instead, we should be warm and affectionate when you run into Christians from other churches that you know. We should also show genuine interest in what God is teaching them and how he is working through them.

One of the best ways to demonstrate this unity is to work with Christians from other churches in some common ministry.

For 16 years I have been teaching a Bible study at a nursing home here in town. It has been great to see many people come to Christ in the last years of their lives. It has also been great to work with other Christians from different churches as we reach out to the people in the nursing home.

You can collaborate with other Christians in your neighborhood to pray for your neighbors and work together in reaching out to them. You can do the same with associates at work.

But as important as this is, the New Testament emphasizes another kind of unity far more. Be "in fellowship" instead of merely "going to church." I hate the phrase "going to church" because it implies the church is a building, when the Bible says the church is the people who know Christ. But even if we change "going to church" to "attending Central Teaching," there is still a big difference between this and being "in fellowship."

"Fellowship" means sharing something in common. To be in fellowship with other Christians means that you are regularly sharing your common relationship with Christ with other Christians: discussing what you are learning from his Word, sharing how he is changing your life, talking to Christ together, urging each other to stay faithful to Christ, working together to serve others, showing appropriate affection toward one another, etc.

If you come here very long, you'll hear this slogan: "Xenos is not a large meeting-based church that also has home-groups; it is home-group-based church that also has large meetings." The reason for this is simple: Christian fellowship flourishes in home groups in a way that can never happen at a meeting like this. If you know Christ, you should view this meeting as a complement to your involvement in home group, not a substitute for it. Being in fellowship will strengthen and feed your walk with Christ tremendously, and it will help you reach your non-Christian friends for Christ much more effectively.

Another way you know when you're "in fellowship" is when you get hurt, offended, disappointed, etc. When this happens, do you withdraw and dismiss--or do you work hard to maintain these relationships?

Consider this passage (read Eph. 4:1-3). You can hear Paul echoing Jesus is Jn. 17 as he reminds us of the importance of unity as we seek to represent Christ. He is utterly realistic about the difficulty of maintaining this kind of unity between sinful, fallen people--so he reminds us of what we need to cultivate to do this.

I need to ask God for the humility to see my own contribution to the conflict (and apologize for it), instead of just focusing on the other person's.

I need to ask God for the gentleness to treat my brother or sister as precious rather than brutally lashing out at or smashing him. And I need to apologize when I blow it here.

I need to ask God for patience and forbearance (and forgiveness) when they hurt me or don’t change as quickly as I want them to--just as I am thankful that God extends this to me.

For those of us who are "in fellowship," this is a constant challenge. I can't always restore every strained relationship, but I am responsible to do my part as God shows me. This is a great training ground for my own growth, and it safeguards the unity that intangibly affects and attracts non-Christians who interact with us.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I was reading about the secrets of "ABUNDANT LIFE". This is only a portion of an outline from ExecutableOutlines.Com


1. As simple as it sounds, Bible reading is the catalyst to the abundant life
By reading we come to know
By knowing we come to love
By loving we come to obey
By obeying we come to abide
By abiding we come to bear fruit
By bearing fruit we experience the abundant life

2. Yet many Christians neglect the Word of God
Even though its value in bearing fruit is seen even in Psa. 1:1-3
How sad when we now have the full revelation of the New Testament

-- Neglecting the Word of God is why many do not experience the abundant life!

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Three months ago, I got some christian songs from the internet from different bands; casting crowns, delirious, david crowder band, jars of clay etc. and listened them. Rock music is very popular now in our place. The most popular is the BisRock (Bisayan Rock). Everyday I hear those bisrock songs. Sometimes, when I hear a song, I start to sing, well, believe me or not, I really love singing, hehehe but there is something came into my mind. I am trying to not even sing a single word from any of those songs because of the following;

1. It won't please God: I have had Christ in me, and that, from the date I received Christ, the spirit now lives in me. Some verses from the Bible states that our body is a temple of God and we must glorify Him.

2. All those things are of this world: Colosians 3 and Romans 12, focus on the things above where Christ dwells, not on these things on earth. We are new creation, 2 Corinthians 5.

I think this two will summarize a lot reasons I have. You can give/tell me some points regarding this issue, that would be appreciated! :)

Yesterday, I heard a song, the voice is very familair to me. It was Don Moen, narrating, before he started to sing. I turned the volume up and said to myself "ops, I really miss his songs". The words are clear and I am pretty sure God will be pleased when He hear those songs.

Thoughts about Covid-19

It has been a decade already since my last post and I miss posting some thoughts so much. A lot of things had happened since 2011 until I gr...